
Loggerhead Sea Turtles Becoming Extinct

According to a 2009 review by the National Marine Fisheries Service, there are nine discrete loggerhead populations that are existing in the world today. The populations existing are, two in the Pacific Ocean, three in the Indian Ocean, four in the Atlantic Ocean/ Mediterranean Sea. However, seven of the nine populations were found to be “at risk of extinction.” The report also said that the loggerhead populations have the potential for severe decline in the future.

Turtles Are Casualties of Warming in Costa Rica.

In Playa Grande, Costa Rica it was a wonderful resort of the Leatherback Sea Turtle National Park, where there were nightly turtle tours and a sea turtle museum. However, the environment has become hazardous from all of the warm temperatures caused by global warming and has diminished the turtle population away. With the extinction of the turtles, Playa Grande’s museum was a banded three years ago. Before scientists found that global warming wiping out the population of the turtles they believe that beach development has been a problem such as drift fishing and the eating of the turtle eggs. The turtles feed on the reef, but due to global warming they are dying.

Threats to Marine Turtles

There are many reasons to why sea turtles are becoming extinct. Some of the reasons are the human presence. Due to all of the tourism on the beaches is decreasing the nesting habitat for the turtles, especially when night falls. When females nest, it is shifting their nesting sites, sometimes being forced to use less suitable beaches. The egg laying can be aborted or delayed as well. Beach armouring is the building of sea walls, sandbag installations, groins and jetties. Such practices save structures and property from erosion, but ultimately result in environmental damage and loss of a dry nesting beach.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

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